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School News

DECA Heart Health
Jenny Wood

As part of the DECA Community Awareness Project, Payton Richards, Shelby Shingler, and Luke Mangen have been preparing and doing great things to educate various audiences about the importance of heart health. During October, they shared a new stat, post, piece of information, and interview each day on Instagram. If you are on Instagram, please follow @Thunderboltsforheart. They did a fantastic job at really highlighting a lot of great things during the month.  They really want to educate a broad range of individuals. For example, they planned with the Northmont Curriculum Department, including teachers Jim Smith and Eric Newman, to get staff members CPR certified during the PD day on November 26th. 

Here's the newsletter they created for parents.

The big event they are organizing, in collaboration with 4th Grade Teacher Diane Schweitzer at Englewood Hills, is the first-ever Heart Day for all fourth graders at that school. After a productive meeting with representatives from Premier Health, students will have the opportunity to hear health professionals discuss everything related to heart health, including stress management, nutrition, and CPR.

EH Bolts Best Thumbnail
Jenny Wood

At E.H. we want to recognize positive behavior in our students!

We have multiple ways in which we are recognizing our students this year for making positive choices.


Students can receive a BOLTS TICKET for positive behaviors. Our students each day can be recognized by the staff at E. H. for their behavior that go above and beyond our daily expectations of following directions and receive a BOLTS TICKET. These tickets go into their grade level container and each Friday we randomly draw out names for prizes.



Students can be recognized in their homeroom by their teacher(s) each month beginning in September in the following areas: Kindness, Leadership, Most Improved, Perfect Attendance, Citizenship, Excellence In Specials, Special Recognition From Intervention Specialist/Related Service Personnel, Student Of The Month, Academic Excellence and BOLS BEST award.



Students who do not receive an office referral during a 9-Weeks period will be treated to a reward such as a dance party, BINGO, popsicle, etc. Each 9-Weeks the students start over with no office referrals for that 9-Weeks.



Each night the custodian picks 4 classrooms at E.H. who are the cleanest classrooms of the evening. Those classrooms receive the golden dustpan outside of their room. Every 2 weeks we celebrate the 2 classrooms in the building that have received the most golden dustpans during each 2 week period and the students receive a treat.


Positive Student Recognition Is Our Goal At Englewood Hills!


Thunderbolts are stronger together.

Embrace The Journey!